updated Boost.Test devel->master: documentation needs
What left in docs:
* general reformating of existing pages and separation to "user's guide" and "advanced usage scenarios" (I am working on this) * BOOST_TEST tool, including figuring out what to do with old testing tools description and reference * data driven test cases (Raffi works on this) * decorators support (Andrzej volunteered to help with this) * run by name/label description. Including multitude of new syntax options * figure out doxigen issues * figure out new format for examples * few minor issues with Boost.Logos * investigate Boost.pp style left side menu (optional) * interaction testing (optional) * production use of Boost.Test (optional) * anything else missing from above (hopefully nothing big)
Any takers? Gennadiy
Thanks for posting this list, Gennadiy. I'll volunteer to write up a section on the production use of Boost.Test. I will, however, need source material in order to do so. Boosters, have you ever or do you now use either Boost.Test or an alternative testing framework in a production-like manner? - with more complicated or less common build systems - when regression testing across multiple versions of dependent libraries - when regression testing across multiple toolchains and/or platforms - as part of deployments within virtualized containers - et cetera If so, could you please describe your setup, either here on-list or privately to myself? I will collect the responses received, and from them, prepare documentation so that people new to Boost.Test can get started with setting up production-quality regression testing environments. Dave
Dave Gomboc
I'll volunteer to write up a section on the production use of Boost.Test. I will, however, need source material in order to do so.
Hi Dave, Thank you for your proposal. This section is really not something, which is a showstopper for the move. Can I interest you in something which is? Production use of BT is really three separate section: * program execution monitor (this page exists, but might require minor clean up/introduction. This should probably also include reference to execution_monitor, which is now covered in reference documentation. * Using testing tools interface for assertion in production code. This was a subject of my talk few years ago. To be frank with you, I am not convinced this is in working state anymore. It'll require some development first probably * Placing unit tests into production libraries. This was also part to the talk. May deserve a separate section on different ways to setup unit tests in projects. Gennadiy
participants (2)
Dave Gomboc
Gennadiy Rozental