Boost Foundation annual meeting in Aspen

Hi all! We held our annual Boost Foundation meeting at C++Now last week. At this annual meeting we elect officers for an annual term and directors for staggering two-year terms. Glen Fernandes and Peter Dimov had terms expiring this year and were re-elected for another two-year term. We additionally added Matthew Guidry, who has been regularly active in foundation work, to the director roster. Congrats Matthew! Class A (Terms Expiring 2025) - Bob Steagall [BS] - David Sankel [DS] - Michael Caisse [MJC] - Zach Laine [ZL] - Inbal Levi [IL] - Jeff Garland [JG] - Kristen Shaker [KS] Class B (Terms Expiring 2026) - Glen Fernandes [GF] - Peter Dimov [PD] - Matthew Guidry [MG] - (4 vacant slots) We additionally made officer selections. I will continue for another year as Executive Director, but have stepped down as Chair of the Board of Directors. Kristen Shaker has volunteered to take this on (congrats Kristen!). Zach Laine has agreed to take on the Safety and Inclusion Chair role in her place. Here is the list of officers: - Board of Directors, Chair: Kristen Shaker - Board of Directors, Vice Chair: Glen Fernandes - Conference Chair: Bob Steagall - Director of Summer of Code: Inbal Levi - Executive Director: David Sankel - Secretary: Michael Caisse - Treasurer: Zach Laine - Standardization Chair: Jeff Garland - Safety and Inclusion Chair: Zach Laine We also decided to take down due to a general lack of interest by those active in the Boost project. The instance will be utilized by the Beman project, an independent initiative focused on providing implementations of libraries proposed for the C++ standard. That's all for now! -- David
participants (1)
David Sankel