Boost 1.63.0 Release Candidate 2

The second release candidate for the 1.63.0 release is now available at: The only changes are in Boost.Config, Boost.Context, and Boost.Fiber. The SHA256 checksums are as follows: 25db3956a8d58187ac7a0702cc917e9bab47ff90baafc35e4e789dca1ce5f423 boost_1_63_0_rc2.7z beae2529f759f6b3bf3f4969a19c2e9d6f0c503edcb2de4a61d1428519fcb3b0 boost_1_63_0_rc2.tar.bz2 fe34a4e119798e10b8cc9e565b3b0284e9fd3977ec8a1b19586ad1dec397088b boost_1_63_0_rc2.tar.gz 97ce6635df1f44653a597343cd5757bb8b6b992beb3720f5fc761e3644bcbe7b As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy. -- The release managers

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 1:51 AM, Marshall Clow
The second release candidate for the 1.63.0 release is now available at:
The only changes are in Boost.Config, Boost.Context, and Boost.Fiber.
The SHA256 checksums are as follows:
25db3956a8d58187ac7a0702cc917e9bab47ff90baafc35e4e789dca1ce5f423 boost_1_63_0_rc2.7z beae2529f759f6b3bf3f4969a19c2e9d6f0c503edcb2de4a61d1428519fcb3b0 boost_1_63_0_rc2.tar.bz2 fe34a4e119798e10b8cc9e565b3b0284e9fd3977ec8a1b19586ad1dec397088b boost_1_63_0_rc2.tar.gz 97ce6635df1f44653a597343cd5757bb8b6b992beb3720f5fc761e3644bcbe7b
As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
Still doesn't build with VS2017 :p C:\vc\boost>b2 C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/tools\msvc.jam:834: in generate-setup-cmd *** argument error * rule maybe-rewrite-setup ( toolset : setup-script : setup-options : version : rewrite-setup ? ) * called with: ( msvc : : : default : ) * missing argument setup-script C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/tools\msvc.jam:746:see definition of rule 'maybe-rewrite-setup' being called C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/tools\msvc.jam:1076: in configure-really C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/tools\msvc.jam:201: in configure C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/tools\msvc.jam:153: in msvc.init C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/build\toolset.jam:43: in toolset.using C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src/build\project.jam:1052: in using project-config.jam:3: in modules.load C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src\build-system.jam:249: in load-config C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src\build-system.jam:412: in load-configuration-files C:/vc/boost/tools/build/src\build-system.jam:524: in load C:\vc\boost\tools\build\src/kernel\modules.jam:295: in import C:\vc\boost\tools\build\src/kernel/bootstrap.jam:139: in boost-build C:\vc\boost\boost-build.jam:17: in module scope -- Olaf

Still doesn't build with VS2017 :p I don't think boost aims to support unreleased compilers. I assume boost build can't locate the visual studio install as Microsoft have removed the registry key everyone has been using for years to find it. See Something like this is now required to get the visual studio install path.
-- View this message in context: Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 10:22 AM, alanbirtles2
Still doesn't build with VS2017 :p I don't think boost aims to support unreleased compilers. I assume boost
I know, kinda..
build can't locate the visual studio install as Microsoft have removed the
That's not the problem as I used the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 RC" shortcut. cl can be found, bootstrap itself works.. -- Olaf

Windows builds look good.
toolset arch compile Link Execute
msvc-8.0 32 X X X
msvc-8.0 64 X X X
msvc-9.0 32 X X X
msvc-9.0 64 X X X
msvc-10.0 32 X X X
msvc-10.0 64 X X X
msvc-11.0 32 X X X
msvc-11.0 64 X X X
msvc-12.0 32 X X X
msvc-12.0 64 X X X
msvc-14.0 32 X X X
msvc-14.0 64 X X X
Compile means that the b2 command completed without errors
Install means that the installers for the respective version were generated
Link means that visual studio was able to link a sample executable to a
library (libboost_thread-vcXXX-mt[-gd]-1_XX.lib) generated
Execute means that the linked program executed without errors.
Full build logs can be found at:
On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 3:42 AM, Olaf van der Spek
On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 10:22 AM, alanbirtles2
wrote: Still doesn't build with VS2017 :p I don't think boost aims to support unreleased compilers. I assume boost
I know, kinda..
build can't locate the visual studio install as Microsoft have removed the
That's not the problem as I used the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 RC" shortcut.
cl can be found, bootstrap itself works..
-- Olaf
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On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Marshall Clow
The second release candidate for the 1.63.0 release is now available at:
As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
All builds were run on Mac Mac OS X 10.11.6: Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1) clang version 4.0.0 (trunk 290358) Built successfully with Apple clang on with c++03/11/14/1z. Built successfully with trunk clang on Mac OS X 10.11 with c++03/11/14. Fails to link Boost.Fiber with ToT clang Mac OS X 10.11 with c++1z. -- Marshall

On 12/23/2016 01:51 AM, Marshall Clow wrote:
The second release candidate for the 1.63.0 release is now available at:
Builds without any errors on Ubuntu Trusty using gcc5.4 in 64bit mode. A complete build resulted in 5944 libraries built and none failed. In the archive for the first beta there accidentally were two *.o files in Boost.Config that are now gone. But in the current archive (at least in tar.bz2) there is file 'libs/serialization/test/config_test.o' which probably also should not be in release archive. Norbert
participants (5)
Marshall Clow
Norbert Wenzel
Olaf van der Spek
Tom Kent