one week ago I posted a mail searching for mentors for a Boost.Geometry idea
about implementing the basic set operations (difference, union_,
sym_difference) for and I was happy to see
interest voiced by Vissarion and Adam. I have now completed my proposal with
a slightly extended version of that idea and I'd be thankful for any
I've also improved my proof of concept/self-designed competency test, added
a check for correctness and committed it to the github repository:
It now includes a patch for the boost_1_66_0 source tree, that allows tests
of that implementation with the proper call:
(hopefully, if I didn't break anything I didn't see) without breaking it for
other geometries. This was tested on GCC (main.cpp can be built if the
folder tree from the repository is copied to some directory XYZ with the
command g++ main.cpp -o main -IXYZ), VC9 and VC15.
Thanks in advance for any comments on the proposal or the preliminary
implementation of difference.
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