Dear Giannis,
I find your proposal very good, showing clear understanding of the topic, a realistic timeline and presents you overall as a very competent and confident candidate.
Thank you very much for taking a look. I appreciate it!
Good job.
Optionally... You might consider in the first paragraph of Chapter 2 in your proposal, you mention the characteristics of QD. In the second paragraph, you also mention benching it. I think in the first paragraph, you could potentially mention that QD is expected to offer higher performance in its digit range than existing Boost.Multiprecision backends in this digit range.
I have taken your word into consideration and I pushed several fixes on that (GSoC portal). I would be glad if you could share some final thought before final submition. I would also like to inform you that I will enhance my final submission by providing a Multiprecision use case example on the "Bisextion Method". It's not there linked to my application because I want to fix some last details, but you could for sure review the remaining document.
Kind regards, Christopher Kormanyos
I would be glad to work with you during the summer. Regards, Giannis Gonidelis