I am updating my code from boost version 1.78 to boost 1.85. and facing build issues "error C2766: explicit specialization; 'boost::core::detail::tn_holder<unsigned short>' has already been defined"
Below is the error that I am facing that needs your help. I could not find any code or direct header file inclusion in my code related to the below error.
C:\<my boost>\boost_1_85\boost\boost\core\type_name.hpp(354,2): error C2766: explicit specialization; 'boost::core::detail::tn_holder<unsigned short>' has already been defined.
C:\<my boost>\boost_1_85\boost\boost\core\type_name.hpp(273): message : see previous definition of 'tn_holder<unsigned short>
Please note that after upgrading to boost 1.85, the compiler was not able to find "#include