On Feb 20, 2017 2:14 PM, "degski via Boost" wrote: It's a command-line build tool. Yeah, in some ways it resembles bash/sh/make. The command-line equivalent to what you
suggest is making the user discover, and then type, the correct pathname
the desired VS version. The average windows-user (like my 84-year old mother) might be thick, but
you make it sound like the average windows-programmer (the user, as you
call him) is just as thick.
That "thickness" has been repeatedly shown in the many years of fielding
build questions in this list. Just consider that many developers don't know
what a linker is.. So, yes, it's that bad.
Having said that, there are (installed) menu-items that do help to select
(click for the thick) the correct environment, so the user doesn't f-up.
There is nothing to type, other than cd to the correct folder.
That's great.. except.. it does nothing for automated CI style building.