2016-10-27 10:42 GMT+02:00 Daniel James
On 27 October 2016 at 07:10, Oliver Kowalke
wrote: Hello Daniel, is boost-1.63 a bugfix release or will boost released monthly? Oliver
No, there's a shorter release cycle because the last release was late. If you look on the calendar, it's just under two and a half months from the release of 1.62.0 to the scheduled release of 1.63.0. It's not much shorter than the traditional three months. There's still another week for major changes, and if there's something important you want to merge and you didn't realise the deadline was coming up, we can be a little flexible, especially if other libraries don't depend on yours.
I started implementing new features and appling changes after boost-1.62's release date (28. Sept.). Today I've too many pending changes in different libs and I don't like to merged these commits into master yet - so I've to wait till 1.64.