14 May
14 May
9:02 a.m.
On May 9, 2014 4:23:00 PM EDT, Daniel Pfeifer
2014-05-08 21:02 GMT+02:00 Bjorn Reese
: On 05/08/2014 07:19 PM, Beman Dawes wrote:
Creates a path from the trailing elements of p that are relative to base.
It may be more user-friendly to add that base must be a prefix of p.
It might be even more user-friendly to allow this use case:
BOOST_TEST(fs::relative("/abc", "/abc/def") == path("../def"));
The first element in the range p, that's not in base, is the empty set, so p cannot be made relative to base in your example. If you reverse the arguments, then the result would be "def". ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)