2014-05-23 11:45 GMT+02:00 Andrey Semashev
Hi folks,
Is there a timeframe for the release of Boost 1.56? The current 1.56
On Thursday 22 May 2014 18:55:24 Jonathan Jones wrote: page
simply states that it's at an early stage in its release cycle (but it has said this for months).
I'm asking in the context of Visual Studio 2013. Boost 1.55 is known to have issues with VS2013, which I'm hoping the 1.56 release would address.
I'd like to know the current state of the release. What's left to be done? Any blockers? Is there anything I can do to help it?
It's starting to feel like the old days circa 1.34, I wouldn't like to see that happen again. If there is no Boost release in the forseeable future, should the library authors initiate their library independent releases?
From reading the instructions for Modular Boost maintenance ( https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/StartModMaint) I gathered that it is already an encouraged practice. A commit in branch master is to be treated as the new release of your library -- and you can do it whenever you like, and use your own numbering convention.
Regards, &rzej