Hello, * create a `leaf` node, that contains the remaining part of the value. For
example, if we have two values in trie "hello word" and "hell's bells", then the trie would look like: node['h']->node['e']->node['l']->node['l']->(leaf["o world"] | leaf['''s bells']);
In worst case, when all the trie values have unique beginnings, this will make the trie performace same as std::map performance.
I will start implementing this one.
* make sure that trie works with user specified comparators. For example, make shure that it works right with std::greater<> and keys "abba" and "anna" are sorted in reverse order ("anna", "abba")
When I have started working on the Trie I have removed the compare template parameter. Should I add it again ? Thank you, Cosmin