On 31 March 2015 at 14:39, Edward Diener
I will be the maintainer of the VMD library so the team will be me for the time being. I have admin rights to various Boost libraries to which I contribute but I do not have admin rights to boostorg itself, by which it appears this means the Boost superproject, which is what it I need to transfer the repository to boostorg. Should I ask for admin rights to boostorg ? Can I transfer it to you instead and you can transfer it to boostorg ?
You didn't have admin access, just write access. That's why you couldn't transfer the repo in. I've just created a team for you called 'variadic_macro_data' with admin access, so you should be able to transfer your repo into the organisation yourself, or you could transfer it to me and I'll do it for you. Once this is done, I'll downgrade the team to write access.
Once the repo is ready, the best way to add it to the super-project is probably to create a pull request, or ask for help if you don't know how. If you have a metadata file, I'll add the library to libs/libraries.htm and libs/maintainers.txt from that.
The repo is ready. I know how to create a pull request and can do that to add VMD as a submodule of the superproject. But according to the wiki page I cited above I first have to transfer the library under boostorg.
Yes, so it's not ready until it has been transferred.