11 Jun
11 Jun
8:20 a.m.
> mkdir __build > cd __build > cmake .. > cmake --build . > > Does this presume that one starts from the library directory? This assumes to start from inside the top-level boost folder. > Does this syntax work for out of source tree builds? That is, would > the following work? > > mkdir /temp/__build > cd /temp/__build > cmake .. > cmake --build . Almost. The first CMake invocation needs the path to the Boost root, then this works. > (very confusing usage of leading __) The name "build" is already taken for the library folder as it contains e.g. the Jamfiles. Using a (very likely) new folder allows to do `rm -r __build` to start clean > ahhhh - I see a problem. I'm thinking of starting from within the > directory of a particular library. I'm presuming "modular boost". Is > this supported? This does not work out of the box but needs a CMakeLists.txt especially tailored for that which is a bit more involved. "Modular boost" refers to B2 IIRC so this is orthogonal. > 2) BOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARY > > I would like my CMakeLists.txt file to explicitly list the direct > antecedent libraries (dependencies - bad word usage). So I'd expect > to see something like No, in CMake you specify your direct dependencies with `target_link_libraries`. The top-level Boost build (the CMake machinery added by Peter) has logic to add the required subdirectories. You only need to list each `Boost::foo` target on a separate line. See e.g.: https://github.com/boostorg/variant2/blob/develop/CMakeLists.txt#L15C1-L20 > add_directory(../filesystem) > add_directory(../regex) This can and needs to be done to test whether you can use your library itself with `add_subdirecory` which is an extra test, see e.g. https://github.com/boostorg/variant2/blob/develop/test/cmake_subdir_test/CMakeLists.txt > So I could just > cd to .../libs/serialization > cmake --build > > and have it build the antecedent if and only if required. A bit different: - cd to new build folder - cmake-DBOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARY=serialization - cmake --build BOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARY is basically the/our CMake way of "b2 --with-foo" > 3) CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR > > I would prefer not to "install" (copy) the include files but just use > the ones from their original locations. That variable is only used for installation. Nothing is copied for the build > > 4) BUILD_TESTING > > I would prefer to have my library source to look like: > > ... libs/serialization > CMakeLists.txt > // includes add_directory for subdirectorys build, test, example, > profile and ... > // includes add_directory for antecedent libraries like > add_directory(../libs/filesystem) > include // directory with include files for users of serialization > library > build(or src) // source files for library build > CMakeLists.txt // to build library > test > CMakeLists.txt > example > CMakeLists.txt > profile > CMakeLists.txt > > Maybe the add_directory would be conditioned on a CMAKE variable. You can: See https://github.com/boostorg/variant2/blob/f9bdafd3ca0f5025012f60a405b559888513a9be/CMakeLists.txt#L33-L37 Also already done for your root CML > So if I invoke > > CMake --build test_polymorphic_binary_archive > > It would recursively (re)build everything necessary and nothing not > necessary This requires `-DBUILD_TESTING=ON` but otherwise it will work. However your targets should be prefixed like "boost_serialization_test_polymorphic_binary_archive" > > If I didn't specify a list of targets, it would recursively (re)build > everything that needs (re)building. Yes > in particular recursive inclusion of header files and likely some > other stuff. Yes this is done > I've also experimented with CMake enough to have a feeling that what I > want to do is not possible. And this is the short version of what I'd > like to do. See above: With a bit care it is possible. Take some of Peters libraries as a starting point. From what I can only the CMLt in your test folder is missing. boost_test_jamfile can convert most tests in the jamfile to CMake. It requires some restrictions though like plain "run foo.cpp ;" and "compile bar.cpp ;" lines.