2013/10/7 Renato Forti
Hi All, In this email I would like to discuss some areas of Boost.Application.
01) Thread Pool functionality
It seems that a lot of functionality could be proposed: snmp, configuration, log, clustering facilities (group protocols), threads, IPC, database connectors, etc. They will turn Boost.Appliction a framework more like a Java Application Container than a boost library. I humbly think that a general library ideally should have a single responsibility and be easily integrated with other libraries. In my work I mantain a library with the oposite aproach: a framework. It manages the startup, shutdown, pause and resume as a windows service, a unix daemon or a console program. It provides a configuration and a log api, and I am thinking about adding snmp support. But the context is completely different, in my company it is done to "force" that all aplication are written in a similar way.