Antony Polukhin wrote:
* Take a look at the llvm-symbolizer, atos and libdwraf; try hard to produce a non-forking solution
This could help: https://github.com/facebookarchive/atosl
* ? Deserialization/inspection of stacktrace on other machine
For that (actually, for the serialization/saving part) you need to give the user a list of modules and their load addresses. EnumProcessModules + GetModuleInformation + GetModuleFileName on Windows, so that the addresses are saved out as offsets within a module, not as absolute addresses.
Things NOT to do ever: * Callbacks to do things on stacktraces - no way to satisfy all the needs and make them optimal on all the platforms. Do some caching instead
I don't think that you can have an async-safe interface that does not replicate work needlessly per frame without using callbacks. Well, you could, if the user passes you large enough arrays, I suppose. char function[MAX_FRAMES][MAX_LENGTH], and same for file. A callback-based API needs much less memory. Or you could not provide an API for getting the functions/files/lines at all in one go and only offer output in text form.