On 2/5/23 3:39 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
On 2/5/23 1:25 PM, Christian Mazakas via Boost wrote:
You could obtain this benefit tomorrow. Just set the policy for the library you maintain.
I maintain the Boost Serialization Library. It's consistent with (supports?) C++03. For the last 20 years, all I've done is bug fixes and updates to be build system scripts. No one has complained - and of course why would they? I also maintain the Boost Safe Numerics Library. It requires C++14 or higher to use. (It's header only so there is no build). Does the means it "supports" C++14? Neither of these two libraries violate any boost policy that I'm aware of. Robert Ramey. P.S. I can't help that the word "supports" is ill-chosen here. I honestly don't understand what it means in this context.