El 08/09/2024 a las 21:51, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost escribió:
I admit I initially thought you were making this up, so I went and checked. And this statement is really there: https://github.com/beman-project/beman/blob/main/docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
Note that in this case is not only about "crime" or "harassment" but also "speech": "In rare cases, violations of this code *outside of these spaces* may affect, and be detrimental to, a person’s ability to participate within these spaces. Important examples include, but are not limited to, sexual and gender-based violence and/or harassment, hate crimes, and *hate speech*." That's why I said in my review that it's very controversial and risky and I don't think this will attract more developers. In comparison, Boost Discussion Policy (https://www.boost.org/community/policy.html) has served us well all these years. The first draft was written by Beman Dawes: https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2000/12/7766.php Best, Ion