AMDG On 05/14/2015 05:00 PM, Niall Douglas wrote:
But I still claim that if a maintainer is maintaining their library to the ideal level, full STL11 usage is something they have done, are doing, or are planning to do soon, or alternatively are making a C++ 11/14 total rewrite of their library. As a corollary, those maintainers not fully embracing STL11 usage are not maintaining their libraries as well as they should.
As a library maintainer, I have no intention of doing anything of the kind. I do use C++11 in some places, but it's controlled by #ifdefs. I don't plan to remove the C++03 branches for a few more years at least. There are some places where C++14 will allow me to make the code significantly better, but I'm certainly not about to go out of my way to use new language features just for the heck of it. In Christ, Steven Watanabe