10 Dec
10 Dec
7:52 p.m.
On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Robert Ramey
On 11/9/16 9:38 AM, Daniel James wrote:
Hello everyone,
The master branch is now closed for the beta release. Please can you add any remaining entries to the release notes, either by emailing me, or by creating a pull request at:
https://github.com/boostorg/website/blob/master/feed/history /boost_1_63_0.qbk
To do so, click on the little pencil icon at the top right of the code.
when will 1.63 be released and the master open for normal merges from the develop branch
The schedule is for 1.63.0 to be released on Wednesday, December 14th. See the calendar at http://www.boost.org/development/ I have just posted the first release candidate. -- Marshall