How does the community feel about:
* Boost.Buffers as a solution to accessing buffer concepts without Asio?
* Boost.Buffers offering Beast's buffer sequence adapters and dynamic buffers?
I reiterate from my Beast review that the best design for these above is to use: * span<T> * Ranges TS Both of these can integrate with the Networking TS, but not the other way round due to ASIO's legacy design. You chose, against my advice, to base Beast on the outdated and hard coded buffer sequence design in ASIO. It was not a showstopper for Beast because Beast was so closely tied into ASIO, so I recommended acceptance for Beast despite this design choice. But for a standalone library, things are different. I would advise strongly against accepting a Boost.Buffers library unless it is based on span<T> and Ranges and is forward looking into C++ 20 design patterns, not backwards at C++ 98 era design patterns like ASIO's buffer sequences. Regarding HTTPKit etc, I haven't looked into it much, but if I remember I had some issues with your implementation and design there too specifically the lack of use of zero copy views. Again, as part of Beast wholly dependent on ASIO and thus limited by ASIO's limits, that's acceptable. As a standalone library where a much wider use case applies, I think I would need to set a much higher bar in any review. But I haven't looked into it, you may have completely changed the design and implementation since I last looked. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting