Hi. Preface: C++20 modules and header-units are a great addition to C++. There are numerous benefits of these. One of them is a faster compilation. Conventional build-systems however are unable to benefit from C++20 modules or header-units. Boost current build-system b2 does not support C++20 modules or header-units. CMake does not support C++20 header-units https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/25293. I developed the build-system HMake https://github.com/HassanSajjad-302/HMake. It is in C++ and MIT Licenced. It supports drop-in header-files to header-units replacement. While compilers support processing a header-file as header-unit, no other build-system supports this feature. With this I compiled SFML with C++20 header-units https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/1555g6b/hmake_build_system_02_compilin.... In the post, I mentioned that 2-3.5x speed-up was achieved but I did some more testing recently and an even better speed-up of 2.7-4.7x was achieved i.e., the speed of header-units is further improving with recent iterations. Proposal: I want to propose my build-system HMake for boost. Besides its already state-of-the-art C++20 modules and header-units support, it will be the first to support https://lists.isocpp.org/sg15/2023/11/2106.php or https://lists.isocpp.org/sg15/2023/11/2146.php if any of this gets implemented. These papers present ideas for faster module adoption and avoiding redundant module compilations. These need support from build-system. This way boost could be a breeding ground for C++20 modules adoption. Also, I have good experience with boost's current build-system b2 as a good portion of HMake's current API is inspired by it. Timeframe: I will complete this proposal in 3 months. Deliverables: 1) 2-months: Boost basic configuration compiled with C++20 header-units. This is more of a lone sprint. 2) 3-months: All boost current configurations + new with header-units and modules + tests and examples. This will require more active involvement by the current maintainers. I will give weekly updates here and will make a video after 2 months presenting the progress made. This will be to help other contributors so they can ensure that their library is fully supported. Cost: Standard C++ Developer Compensation for 3 months (Negotiable). Payments are to be issued monthly. But you can back out at any point in case you are unsatisfied with development speed or direction. Impact: While I don't see any reason for it to be a flop, it is an engineering endeavor so there is some inherent risk. The best-case scenario is that it improves Boost usability and 2.5x compilation speed improvement starts a domino effect for HMake and C++20 header-units and modules adoption. Best, Hassan Sajjad