Vinnie Falco wrote:
To all, thanks for all the feedback. I'm not ignoring it, but we discovered a super duper annoying problem with how the path segments and query parameters containers represent their respective parts of the URL
I would be very interested to see a comparison of how your decomposition of paths into segments, and the reverse, compares to what std::filesystem::path does, and rationale for the differences.
abs("/././/", { ".", "", "" });
Well that's an interesting one. Why is the middle element "" not "."? Can you clarify? I might perhaps hope that something like this would work: for (auto dir: path.segments) { chdir(dir.c_str()); } i.e. I'd end up in the same directory as chdir(path.c_str()) would get me to. But chdir("") is an error. I believe that std::filesystem::path merges adjacent directory separators, so the "" segments disappear. Regards, Phil.