On 07/22/2017 04:20 AM, Domen Vrankar via Boost wrote:
Just a quick question... Extending a language etc. just to compete with Node.JS seems like an overkill to me so I was wondering how your solution compares to this:
https://github.com/hsutter/gcpp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfmTagWcqoE
Originally my goal was to compete with Node.JS but then I realized BB++ could be used to parse entire C++ projects to fix all memory leaks. I didn't see the whole presentation but I read the documentation in diagonal and it seems deferred_ptr is slower than shared_ptr and is single threaded only; you also need to add heaps explicitly. root_ptr is the exact opposite: it is faster than shared_ptr, is multithreaded and it uses the same user-defined allocator. That's why I am able to write a parser; because root_ptr uses the same pattern. Thus deferred_ptr is far from being production-quality whereas root_ptr is already a step behind. I just need to add some metadata in the parser to generated classes, support templates in the parser and perhaps try to remove the 'mutable qualifier' in root_ptr. Thanks, -Phil