On 5 May 2014 at 11:03, microcai wrote:
A non-consuming permit looks quite like a Win32 event object yes, except it has stronger guarantees useful for many-waiter many-signaller situations.
asio::windows::object_handle permit(io_service, CreateEvent(0,1,00));
permit.async_wait( []{ do some thing here} ) ;
Equivalent with permits: boost::permit_nc permit; int fds[2]; pipe(fds); pthread_permitnc_associate_fd(permit.native_handle(), fds); asio::posix::stream_descriptor input(ioservice, fd[0]), output(ioservice, fd[1]); input.async_wait([] { do something here } ); I haven't checked this code, but something close should work. The point is you can associate the state of a fd with a non-consuming permit. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/