Is there any interest in a URL library for Boost? This is something that has been requested for a while now, and I've finally gotten around to it. Key features: * Construct a read-only url::view from a string_view * Construct a modifiable url::value from a string_view - Mutate the parts (e.g. set_scheme) - Set encoded or decoded strings: url::value u; u.set_username("Fr ed"); u.set_encoded_password("pass%20word"); - Retrieve encoded or decoded strings: u.username(); // returns decoded std::string u.encoded_password(); // returns encoded string_view For servers, execution paths are provided to avoid all dynamic allocation. For example to retrieve the decoded username: url::static_pool<4000> sp; std::cout << u.username( sp.allocator() ); The std::basic_string returned by username() uses the specified allocator. A server can handle URLs without allocating any memory. There's some punycode conversion routines but I haven't figured out if they should be part of the library, or how they would manifest as APIs (for international domain names). You can perform calculations with URLs using an Allocator (default to std::allocator<char>), or you can use a container with "static storage" (e.g. fixed_string): url::static_value<4000> u; // 4000 char capacity The library is here: This is still a work in progress, and I'm open to feedback that might help me make better remaining design choices. Thanks