On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:45 AM, Damien Buhl
On 11/06/2016 20:17, Gerrit Daniels wrote:
I've written a library that implements automatic serialization of user defined types. You can find it here: https://github.com/gerritdaniels/ctrl. I was wondering if this is something that could be added to the boost library.
Kind regards,
Gerrit Daniels.
I just looked briefly to the README of your library, and what I see is that most of the advantages of the library comes from the reflection facilities you've built. But I can be wrong, as I didn't looked more than that..
I think that yet-another Boost.Serialization doesn't make that much sense, however I think that a Reflection library, which generates easily traits about structs/classes to iterate upon, get information about name and so on would make sense.
Currently in Boost.Fusion we need a bit of that to adapt structures and classes to tuples, and therefore we generate in the same way as your library some meta information like struct_member_name. But Boost.Fusion is not intended to be a reflection library, so it won't go further than that.
What would be awesome in my opinion, from a library like yours, would be to reflect type information and get the reflected information be compatible with current libraries which leverage/could leverage such information like: Boost.Spirit, Boost.Serialization, Boost.Fusion, Boost.Hana...
It's just my 2cent and my opinion, I think there was already effort for a reflection library, but I think the effort stopped.
If you haven't done so already, you also might want to look at http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0194r1.html IIUC, that proposal is progressing through the standards committee, and may move to the working paper (i.e. next) stage as soon as next week at the Oulu meeting. --Beman