which overlap with shared_ptr in functionality. -- Why just don��t read the code? I can not force you. But if we talk about something, we have to Base on something, not thinking or imagination or desire, Aren��t we?
-- Just stepping in for a second here. It looks here as if you are saying
the people you're discussing your code with didn't read it. It is obvious to me that they did: they have raised excellent points and examples which could only ever be made with a good understanding of the code. -- Yes, read, some read. The code is very short, 150+ lines. But the calling sequence is not as obvious as short. Since they call each other in the indirect-recursion way. This makes it complicated and you almost have to debug or trace the calling sequence then you can see how it works clearly �C there are many callings are invisible because they��re part of the compiler-generated code. That��s the reason why I insisted on reading (if can be done only by reading) or debugging or tracing. Actually, this is the strategy to find someone who is interested in this area. And seems that I got very few interested. This is the reason, not forcing others to read, just seeking for interested programmers, and if not interested, you can always ignore me. -- It's natural that you would be feeling a bit of frustration since you came up with something you think is cool, but as you said, you cannot make others agree unless you address the problems they see. -- I did address the problem (showing the alternative implementation), just in other posts. (my email program crashed and I lost the topic, When pressing ctrl+c, win10��s email program crashed, for a fast reply, I started a new post with different name). A completely off-topic note: I think c++-cli already has syntax extensions that make it possible to harness the CLR from the language. This includes COM types through interop. And you can mix/match with C++ standard memory model types as much as you wish. -- Thanks for informing. Maybe we just get back to the standard c++ topic as permitted (if my understanding of permission is correct). -- Anyway, thanks for stepping in and your understanding! Regards, Seth _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost