On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 9:29 AM Christian Mazakas via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Also, it'd be good to get some benchmarks going, showcasing the JSON parsing from this library compared to Boost.JSON's benchmark suite.
A naive implementation of the benchmark will be grossly unfair to Boost.Parser. To do this correctly it would require that the Boost.Parser implementation use the same containers as Boost.JSON, as they are optimized for JSON-specific workloads. And it would require the implementation to use the explicit internal stack model adopted by Boost.JSON (copied from RapidJSON). That is a non-trivial amount of work for which the value proposition is unclear; Boost.Parser is designed to work with generic containers while Boost.JSON's parser is tuned to work with the json::value container that comes with the library. Of course, if someone else wants to do the work to perform such a comparison, I certainly wouldn't discourage them :) Thanks