Klemens Morgenstern writes:
Am 21.07.2017 um 22:50 schrieb Niall Douglas via Boost:
Some would say that what has been achieved so far is a pale shadow of what would have been achieved without the self-serving elitism. If you look at the bits of Boost which got into the C++ standard, they are very obviously the simple bits. There's a lesson in that. Let's see:
Without templates - boost.system_error - boost.error_code - boost.thread - boost.filesystem
With type erasure: - boost.any - boost.function
With templates: - boost.SmartPtr - boost.variant - boost.optional - boost.bind - boost.tuple
Template black magic: - boost.type_traits - boost.asio (probably as the networking TS) - boost.EnableIf
May I ask what you based your statement on? Did you even look at the list or would actually checking facts be elitism?
I think you have to "chew the meat and spit the bones" (*) when it comes to Boost and the standard. And you left out the best one imo -- array. String_view is a good one also. On the other hand, I avoid std::any and I'm skeptical about filesystem. I make conservative use of unique_ptr and try to avoid shared_ptr. (*) My rabbi in Austin, Texas used to say this -- not in relation to Boost though. Brian Ebenezer Enterprises http://webEbenezer.net