'Unnecessary' is a qualification that is a function of ones' objectives...
Well, it's unnecessary to the vast majority of users then, much as exposing deques inner workings would be for the vast majority of users.
The git-repository you reference in another post seems to be behind the references download on your site, 3.05 vs 3.07.
Yes, aware of that.
The web-site states plf::colony is a vector-like container, I'm missing the indexes, iterating is good in some cases but not all.
Yes as per the graphs, compared to a completely consolidated memory space iteration will be slower, but in many cases the time savings in insertion and erasure make up for it. Some of the text on that website needs to be updated :)
I've implemented a (simple) Concurrent Graph Library, based on ideas (the base structure) borrowed from the LEMON Graph Library, using tbb::concurrent_vector, instead of std::vector. This comes with some limitations as you correctly pointed out. You did give me some good ideas to actually make that CGL better and more flexible. I've read your paper on jump-counting-skipfields, there are some fun ideas in there that I would like to explore as well.
Good to hear and good to know- Thank you- Matt