I'm pretty excited by this container; I'll start testing it as soon as I find an excuse for it. Did you create it as part of a thesis? If so, it would be nice to see the thesis too. If not, it would be nice to see some discussion about which/whose B-Tree you have implemented and a bibliography. I'm not intimately familiar with this literature but a question that immediately comes to mind is whether your implementation is cache-oblivious and why. My limited understanding is that a CO structure would be more general and thus work on supercomputers and microcontrollers equally well without the programmer needing to tweak the L and M parameters. I still need to read the relevant paper [1] and your implementation in detail. Cheers. Jeremy [1] http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/S0097539701389956 http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~bader/COURSES/UNM/ece637-Fall2003/papers/BDF00.pdf