2017-02-10 2:24 GMT+08:00 Joel FALCOU via Boost
Can Boost.SIMD please be added to the review queue? Michael Caisse has volunteered to act as the review manager.
Boost.SIMD is an efficient modern C++ wrapper for SIMD instructiosn sets and computations that aims at providing a standard way to write code taking advantages of SIMD enabled hardwares.
Boost.SIMD repository https://github.com/NumScale/boost.simd
Documentation https://developer.numscale.com/boost.simd/documentation/develop/
Question: why not provide load/store as member functions (like std::atomic)? I just tried some simple examples (e.g. saxpy) with Boost.SIMD but I got a bit disappointed since it performs slower than the normal scalar code (/arch:AVX2, with BOOST_SIMD_ASSUME_SSE4_2) on VS2015. The assembly shows that VC already vectorizes the scalar code, and does better than the handwritten SIMD code. That said, I believe it's a useful library.