1 Oct
1 Oct
12:20 p.m.
Libraries that now require C++11, such as Atomic, TypeIndex, LexicalCast, need to update their libraries.json files to now state "cxxstd": 11, and to add the C++11 requirement to their CMakeLists.txt files, e.g. target_compile_features(boost_lexical_cast INTERFACE cxx_std_11) boostdep --cmake looks at libraries.json and automatically adds the above requirement, so for generated CMakeLists.txt files (such as the one in lexical_cast), a simple regeneration with e.g. `boostdep --cmake lexical_cast` will suffice. Note that cxx_std_11 requires CMake 3.8, so the cmake_minimum_required line may need to be adjusted as well. (`boostdep --cmake` does that automatically.)