On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 9:49 AM, Bjorn Reese via Boost
But their APIs are quite different.
I'm not sure I agree that the claimed abstract similarity of the concept warrants efforts to make the interfaces "consistent." The APIs were not planned ahead of time, they were arrived at after months of reworking to handle all of the use cases. Some use-cases were made very easy, at the expense of some other less common use-cases requiring more effort (such as extracting chunk extensions).
Does Beast re-packet WebSocket frames...
or HTTP chunks?
Chunk-encoding is removed from incoming messages before presentation to the application layer. For outgoing messages, Beast is under control over how pieces are chunked. However, the Body::reader type has influence but not complete control (the specifications is intentionally vague). Users can set chunk extensions and trailers by using a ChunkDecorator http://vinniefalco.github.io/beast/beast/using_http/serializer_stream_operat... Thanks