On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:37 PM, Vinnie Falco
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 4:29 PM, Olaf van der Spek
wrote: Hi,
How does one build Boost (1.62) with VS15 (Preview 4)? I know it's not officially supported..
For Boost to build using any Visual Studio version, you need to have the command-line tools set up. Usually this means just having the right directories in your PATH. See this knowledge base article:
Another way to get the right environment is to launch the "Visual Studio Command Prompt" which is just an instance of Command Prompt that has the variables set. To find it, go to the Start menu and search for "Command" you will find something like "MSBuild Command Prompt for VS2015"
Thx build.bat (and other stuff) is missing support for VC15 (note: not 14/2015), normally the path stuff is taken care of automatically. -- Olaf