Ion Gaztañaga
On 15/10/2015 13:22, Joaquin M LópezMuñoz wrote:
Boost.MultiIndex is failing at master for VC 7.1:
template<class Type> struct identity: mpl::if_c< is_const<Type>::value, detail::const_identity_base<Type>, detail::non_const_identity_base<Type>
::type { };
Sometimes MSVC-7.1 seems to be happier with a bit more flattened template instantiation chain. Maybe if you SFINAE it with partial specialization of identity it will work.
Another option is to use if_<> instead of if_c. It could make MSVC happier.
Won't you have direct access to a local MSVC 7.1 installation to play with prior to commiting any changes to github? The if_ thing in particular seems inoffensive enough to try out. Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica