On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 8:03 PM, Roberto Hinz
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 3:40 PM, Roberto Hinz
wrote: Hi,
I've been working in a format library that contains a function template called appendf that can do this:
std::string str("blabla"); boost::stringify::appendf(str) () (" AAA ", 25, " BBB ", {255, "x"}); assert(str == "blabla AAA 25 BBB ff"); // ( 255 formated in hexadecimal )
This library - I call it Boost.Stringify - is in very early stage of development and I though it would be to premature to mention it now. But given the repercussion in this thread so far, I changed my mind. So I
soon publish it in github and I will start to write a brief documentation so that I can soon present here to gauge interest.
Hi, I think your library deserves it's own thread. ;) How does it compare to for example fmtlib? Gr, Olaf