On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Vicente Botet [via Boost] < ml-node+s2283326n4683550h69@n4.nabble.com> wrote:
Le 16/02/2016 17:44, Krzysztof Jusiak a écrit :
Yea, but that would mean that guard has to be evaluated before exit of the state or any action, so the order would be.
1. guard [to enable transition] 2. exit src state 3. actions... 4. entry dst state
When the actual state change should happen in above sequence it's not stated in the document as well.
I would assume following order according to the spec + a bit of rationality?
1. guard [to enable transition] 2. exit src state 3. actions... 4. CHANGE THE STATE TO DST HERE? 5. entry dst state
I agree. It was evident to me, but I can not point to any wording.
Great to hear that. However, above sequence makes exception handling a bit harder as with guards we haven't left the src state but with actions we started the exit already. 1. When exception happens in a guard * src state is unchanged 2. When exception happens in an action * src state is exited Moreover, following below sequence 3. actions... 4. CHANGE THE STATE TO DST HERE? makes it harder to process internal events "src"_s + event / process_event(other_event) = "dst"_s , "src"_s + other_event = X // most likely, should be this one as we haven't changed the state yet? , "dst"_s + other_event = X and, therefore, maybe it's better to have it the other way around? 3. CHANGE THE STATE TO DST HERE? 4. actions... Vicente
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