Hi, I am Haoyue, a PhD student in geophysics at MIT. I used C++11 to write parallel finite element codes in my research and had some coursework on concurrent programming. Boost is such a powerful and efficient library. I sincerely hope I could contribute to it this summer and beyond. I am interested in the standalone GSoC Projects under Boost.Thread. Particularly, the Work-Stealing-Thread-Pool project is a great one that I expect to learn a lot from. I understand that there could be much more to discuss once I have a preliminary proposal. Here I just want to ask if I am heading in the right direction. I think a good point to start is chapter 6, 7, and 9 of the book C++ Concurrency in Action: Practical Multithreading and the Executors and Schedulers revision 3 from http://www.open-std.org/. I haven't used Executor before but I am ware of its existence in Java for a while. Maybe I could go through some Executor and fork/join Java examples to see how they are used in practice. Finally, I will read and understand the executors codes on GitHub. I hope I could put up a good first draft proposal next Monday. If there is any advice, please let me know. Haoyue Wang