27 Mar
27 Mar
7:20 a.m.
On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 9:16 PM René Ferdinand Rivera Morell via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
First.. Joaquín has done a good job in the Reddit posts. [...]
Hi. Just a quick comment that I don't follow social sites like Reddit, X, Hacker-News, etc... Not do I intend to. But I do follow Boost MLs, and I've always enjoyed reading Joaquin's posts on this ML, always helpful, always well articulated (and with impeccable English, which for a non-native, I assume, makes me a bit jealous). I go to these sites on occasions via links to them in MLs or Forums. So all that to say I'd appreciate if links to official Boost posts where also mentioned / advertised on the Boost MLs. My $0.02. --DD