On 17 May 2013 20:00, Andrey Semashev
All test issues are resolved, although some MinGW testers haven't run the tests for 2 weeks and haven't updated the report. RDC-VC10 tester also didn't clean the previous test results so the report is not showing the actual results (other MSVC testers are green). The util_dynamic_type_dispatcher and util_static_type_dispatcher rows should be ignored, these tests were renamed to util_dynamic_type_disp and util_static_type_disp, respectively.
You need to fix the 'libs/log/index.html' file so that it redirects to where the documentation will be (i.e 'doc/html/index.html' rather than 'http://boost-sandbox.sourceforge.net/libs/log/doc/html/index.html'). You can put another redirect file in that location (libs/log/doc/html/index.html) to redirect to sourceforge, and it will be overwritten by the documentation build. Other than go ahead. thanks, Daniel