It looks like boost/multiprecision/detail/number_base.hpp header in one
of the later trunk versions
has ambiguous partial specialization problem which Oracle Studio 12.4
C++ compiler detects.
It can be also detected by gcc-4.8.2 as small 35 lines independent test
case below made from this header shows.
gcc -c -std=c++11 # gcc-4.8.2 compilation error: ambiguous class template instantiation for 'struct
(expression_template_option)1u>, cpp_dec_float<50u>, int_<3> >'
Going back to the original code rather than the reduced case, the final
int_<3> implies that the first template argument
(number in this case) is convertible to const char* -
and that should definitely *not* be the case. To put it another way,
the error message could be a lot better (maybe I'll add a static assert
for this special case), but the ambiguity is justified because:
is_convertible >, const char*>::value
should never be true, and if it is, the code genuinely doesn't know what
to do. So is there a compiler bug effecting is_convertible? Do the
type_traits tests pass?
Merry Christmas, John.
P.S. we will have to figure out a Boost.Config setup for this new
compiler release as well - really great that Sun have revitalised their
compiler with C++11 support.