On 01/13/2014 06:28 AM, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
Peter A. Bigot
writes: Below is an annotated sequence of (bash) command-line git operations that I used in a local copy of Boost.Test to understand what was happening in it, with no intention of proposing this be what the maintainers actually do with the module. Thank you. I need to get my hands dirty and finally switch to git locally. At some point I'll need this (I hope ;))
In the interests of reducing pain: I recommend against using those steps. I wrote that description while I was still getting a handle on how Boost development works and how git would be used to support it. At the time, I assumed develop branches were for module-specific enhancements and remained decoupled from other libraries until they had reached a releasable state and were merged to master. I now understand that daily Boost integration is done with develop branches, so the git update steps that involve a rebase are inappropriate. Peter