Andrey Semashev wrote:
On Friday 14 November 2014 10:55:36 Felix Uhl wrote:
I want to clone the current develop branch
to verify that a bugfix to a trac item I opened
does actually fix the bug.
It seems like this information should be easy
to find on the boost webpage or wiki, but neither
of both explain how to authenticate myself
when using “git clone --recursive git@ modular-boost >clone.log”.
The output of this is “Permission denied (publickey)”,
which seems to mean to me that I need a
ssh key the server actually knows about or that I have
to upload my public key somehow.
Have I just missed something on the wiki? As Boost is hosted on GitHub, all the options it offers also work with Boost. See here:
Note that you can have anonymous read-only access if you change the URL a little:
That should probably be mentioned in the docs.
FYI, instead of preparing a patch and attaching it to a bug report you could consider working directly on the development version of a library and propose a pull request with the fix on GitHub. Here is a tutorial showing how this could be done: It was made for Geometry but the procedure looks the same for any other library. Regards, Adam