@Christopher and Paul Firstly, thanks for your replies. :) @Christopher
As far as I know, you need to consider writing a brief proposal in order to be accepted for the task.
Before proceeding to the proposal, I wished to explore the project in more details. In addition, please investigate
On it. :D Please get back to us with any further
questions on these matters.
Sincerely, Chris.
Will do. Thanks for the prompt response. :) @Paul I suggest that you should make sure that you can build a simple demo of
using cpp_dec_float type - there are lots of examples, but you should work up your own using some math function.
I am sorry but I'm not completely sure of what it is that you actually require. Do you mean something like the example on this page (though more detailed and complex of course?)-> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_mult... Thanks.