On 09/23/2016 06:25 PM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
I would like to hear from as many of these individuals as possible, about their experience looking at Beast and taking it for a test drive, before starting the formal review process.
Apart from usual difficulties, your library is facing an additional complication that as not been brought up yet. Boost is more than a set of high-quality libraries and a review process. We are also trying to nurture promising student developers, mainly through GSoC. Your library happens to coincide with one of those projects: Boost.Http. This project started as a GSoC project about two-three years ago, and this year it was part of the Boost sponsored summer of code (BSoC), which resulted in a HTTP parser. If we had simply wanted a HTTP library, I could easily have written that myself (I am one of the original curl developers), but I chose to support the nuture program and serve as mentor instead. Your library unintentionally puts us in a precarious situation with regards to this nuture program. That is one of the reasons why I initially suggested that you and Vinicius collaborated instead of seeing your respective libraries as competitors.