8 Dec
8 Dec
6:09 p.m.
I'm working with a develop from some time ago (21.10.2017 snapshot). When just linking project (using program options), I get:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_program_options-vc141-mt-s-1_66.lib'
commit e276412eb9e7c22df4581c8b8eeb21d16f9239d5 Merge: 0cdf4a5 6098c81 Author: Peter Dimov <...> Date: Fri Oct 20 18:46:13 2017 +0300 Merge pull request #160 from boostorg/pr/arch-and-model-autolink Use architecture and address model in autolink so Config from 21.10 should work, although it's close. Although using the develop branch from 21.10.2017 and expecting everything to work is not exactly best practices. :-)