AMDG On 04/19/2013 10:03 AM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba wrote:
Le 19/04/13 17:21, Pierre T. a écrit : bin/expected_or_error_example.test/gcc-4.7/debug/expected_or_error_example
I'm on Linux (Ubuntu). But on this same platform, I already successful run bjam with another project.
I suspect that your program is expecting you give the password, but when you use b2 you can not even see the request for it. Steve is there a way to give a file as input to the test?
How we should bjam setup this kind of examples so that we can interact with stdin/stdout?
Programs run under a build tool should not require any action from the user. You could try redirecting stdin like this: path-constant input-file : input.txt ; run mytest.cpp : < \"$(input-file)\" ; I haven't tested whether this actually works, though. In Christ, Steven Watanabe