On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 2:15 AM nunna, sarath babu (GE Healthcare) via
Hello All,
So far we have used Boost 1.47 VS2010 built binaries integrated with our VS2010 Code Base . But now we are upgrading VS2010 to VS2017 of our product code base, also we tried Boost 1.70 boost built using VS2017 and integrated with our VS2017 code base.
Our product should be compatible with older versions of all tools including boost. We have not faced any issues except boost.
Issue: 1.7 boost is not able to communicate to 1.47 boost and giving "SERIALIZATION ERRORS". 1.47 boost is not able to communicate with 1.7 boost and giving "SERIALIZATION ERRORS".
Please help us and let us know which boost version we could upgrade that can be compatible with 1.47.
Note: The customer is already using 1.47 2010 boost binaries with built VS2010 product which we can't change. Please suggest us the resolution or the version that we should use.
So you are certain there are no changes to the structures being serialized between the two versions? For example if your 1.47 was 32-bit and your 1.70 is 64-bit, I wonder if that makes a difference. Perhaps you should dump out the raw bytes of a structure serialized by 1.47 and then the raw bytes of the same structure serialized by 1.70 and then figure out the difference between the two, and that may lead you to an answer. Perhaps you could change the serialization format to something else temporarily for this test, like the xml serializer, so you can better understand what the difference is, or if the problem is limited to the binary serialization format. Then you will be closer to the root cause of the issue. - Jim