On 07/07/2020 15:37, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
Niall Douglas wrote:
We've done a half way house for the 1.74 release: Emil has added boost::make_exception_ptr().
Has he now?
This is a potentially breaking change which is not allowed at this point. For reference, here's the release schedule:
06/24 closed for breaking changes 07/01 closed for major changes
We discussed whether adding an alternative naming for copy_exception() could be called a major change. You can see the commit at https://github.com/boostorg/exception/commit/330008445c38aa793a07909d623addf.... We concluded that it was so minor as to be unimportant, and for Outcome the relevant commit https://github.com/ned14/outcome/commit/eff410f5943e5acc16ab005e128096b27021... I'm classing as a minor bug fix. So, in my opinion, we're all good. Niall